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The Keily family planted their thousands of blueberries back in 2006, after realising that the wild 'wortleberries' that used to grow in abundance on the moor, were cousins of the blueberry. The farm is at high altitude, near Dunkery Beacon, and the soil is the perfect ph level for these yummy plants. This, combined with the freshest air and purest water, makes our blueberries truly special.


Believing in a natural approach, the plants have been left to their own devices, cross pollinating across the nine plant varieties using bumblebees and butterflies, and the fields are home to all sorts of wildlife which have helped them thrive. All you need to do is come and enjoy it!


As well as blueberry picking, we offer a 'wild' camping experience so you can enjoy our corner of the natural world including the most beautiful clear stars!

Exmoor blueberry farm picking fruit pyo farmers


While we used to keep Exmoor horns, geese, chickens, guinea fowl and ducks, the blueberries are now our main focus. We provide various local village shops, pubs and restaurants with our berries throughout the short harvest, and we especially love welcoming the public to come and pick your own! We are up a long bumpy track (that has been repeatedly improved over the years), and have a reception 'hut' with punnets if you forget your containers, and an honesty box to pay in for when we are busy elsewhere on the farm! 

wild mushrooms toadstools moss exmoor forest nature


The blueberry fields and their surroundings have become part of their own ecosystem. By leaving the bushes mostly to their own devices, there are hundreds of species of plants (admittedly including lots of weeds!), and animals. We are happy to share the land with lots of species of frogs, lizards, mice, shrews and voles- which in turn keep the resident barn owl and tawny owl happy!  When it is quiet you may see our roe deer. There are butterflies and bees, stoats and hedgehogs, and plenty of visiting pheasants and partridges from the neighbouring shoots. Exmoor has some of the UK's freshest air and water, which keep our wildlife healthy, and is also Europe's first Dark Sky Reserve, with the lack of light pollution meaning we have the most incredible stars!


Exmoor Blueberries

Combe Lane



TA24 7QQ

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